Business performance

Helping SME leaders achieve sustainable growth

Unmatched business performance drives exceptional financial results. With EISA’s MEACT services, we align leadership, teams, and operations to transform your business success.

Find out how to stop being a firefighter

Starting or running a business is challenging—especially if
you're stuck doing things the old-fashioned way.

Constantly fighting against the current, putting out fires and struggling to stay afloat.

  • Performance challenges.
  • Lack of personal responsibility.
  • Few team members initiate performance improvements or innovations.

Navigate with clarity, solve problems proactively, and drive sustainable growth.

  • Achieve high performance consistently and sustainably.
  • Personal responsibility drives your team's success.
  • Team members who take initiative that drives performance and innovation.

Most SME leadership teams are like coho salmon during migration season: constantly swimming upstream against resistance. That’s why 70% of SMEs fail before their 10th anniversary. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By understanding and addressing the Law of Diffusion of Innovations, leaders can eliminate resistance, build alignment, and create a business environment where progress flows naturally toward success.

The Law of Diffusion of Innovations.

Your Challenge: If you’re like most companies, the Law of Diffusion of Innovations is negatively impacting your business today. It reveals that resistance to change is inevitable and only a small percentage of your team is ready to embrace performance and innovation. For leaders, this means constantly going against the grain, wasting energy, and struggling to drive alignment. The Law of Diffusion of Innovation explains how people adopt new ideas, broken down into five distinct groups:

  • Innovators (2.5%): They are those who take risks and experiment early, always eager to adopt changes and new ideas.
  • Early Adopters (13.5%): Trusted influencers who see potential and lead the way for others.
  • Early Majority (34%): Cautious but willing to adopt once they see proven results.
  • Late Majority (34%): Skeptics and hesitant, they adopt change only after the majority has accepted it.
  • Laggards (16%): resistant to change, often attached to tradition and the old way of doing things.

Our solution: EISA’s Trust Matrix for Professional and Business Success identifies and fosters internal customers who take initiative, assume personal responsibility, and inspire others, creating a culture where progress flows naturally, not against the flow. It identifies individuals who may not align with your company’s culture and helps steer them toward better opportunities for growth and success in other areas. It’s the critical ingredient for building teams that overcome resistance and achieve extraordinary results.

Your plan to transform your business

Join a free
discovery call

Identify your business challenges and uncover new opportunities with personalized guidance from one of our business transformation specialists.

Get a
MEACT plan

Get a strategic, actionable roadmap powered by EISA's proven performance methodologies to align your team and processes.

Watch your
business transform

Experience measurable results as your leadership team aligns, resistance disappears, and your business reaches new levels of success.

At EISA, we understand the financial challenges that SMEs face when transforming their business. That’s why our accounting services team works alongside you to identify funding opportunities that will fuel your path to success.

In Canada, there are funding initiatives and grants that cover up to 80% of training costs for programs like ours that focus on knowledge transfer and performance improvement. In the U.S., funding programs like the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and state-specific training grants offer support for workforce development and employee training.

Transformation is within your reach, and we’re here to help you access the resources needed, if required, to make it happen.