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Are you tired of constant frustration and the endless cycle of firefighting? Let us guide you to a future where
emergency situations are a thing of the past, and your business thrives in stability and success.

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UPS and Toyota Motor Company
Paved The Path for Our Success!

United Parcel Service

Founded in 1907 and is the largest couriercompany in the world, generating over $80 billionin annual revenue.

In 1975, UPS revolutionized logistics and deliveryoperations by introducing the Hub and Spokedistribution system.

In the early 1990s, UPS’s Roadnet Technologieswas a pioneer in digital mapping and GPScapabilities.

In 1994, UPS in collaboration with SymbolTechnologies developed the DIAD, which allowedfor real-time tracking and electronic documentationof package deliveries.

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Paul Poirier, President of EISA, had a successful 14-year career with UPS. He started as a package car driver, advanced to a call center supervisor and then manager, and concluded his remaining five years as a sales manager. UPS is renowned for its unwavering commitment to business philosophies, performance, systematization, standards, and training.

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Toyota Motor Company

Founded in 1937, Toyota is a global leader in carmanufacturing and is among the most valuableautomakers.

‍The Toyota Production System (TPS), best knownas Lean Manufacturing, was popularized in the1990 book "The Machine That Changedthe World."

‍95% of companies that adopted Lean Manufacturing,numbering in the tens of thousands, achieved at leasta 20%productivity gain, with 30% of adoptersachieving up to an 80%productivity gain.

‍With a zero tolerance of waste mantra, Toyota created aset of tools like 5S, Kaizen, Kanban, CellularManufacturing,and TPM to name a few to eliminate waste.

Paul Poirier, President of EISA, a Lean Manufacturing practitioner for over 20 years successfully helped companies adopt lean in more than 10 industries achieve performance improvement success. Clients include the Pattison Sign Group, the largest billboard & sign manufacturing in the U.S. and Canada, and WhiteWater Industries, the global leader in waterpark design and manufacturing.